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What is Admin Connect?

Admin Connect is a space for in-house pension administrators to connect, network and share industry insights. Members of the network will enjoy access to specialist workshops, webinars, event & blogs.

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A community for likeminded in-house administrators

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A space to network, share knowledge and gain valuable industry insights

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Members can gain access to a wealth of guidance from industry experts

Register now for Admin Advent

On Thursday 28th November from 12:30-18:30, Admin Connect will be at The Studio, Birmingham for another energetic in-person event.

The Christmas themed afternoon aims to bring together in-house administrators across the industry to discuss topical themes, allowing time for a networking lunch and a festive reception after talks have concluded.

Agenda and speakers are still being finalised, in order to reserve your space register below.

Meet the speakers

Kristy Cotton, Director, Isio & Chair of PASA Data Working Group

Kristy’s session will focus on the critical role of data quality in pension administration, with a special emphasis on the latest developments surrounding pensions dashboards.

David Walmsley, Director of Supervision & Market Oversight, The Pensions Regulator

Special guest David Walmsley will share invaluable insights into TPR’s engagement with pension administrators.

Vito Faircloth, Chief Digital Officer, Isio

Join Vito as he delves into the transformative impact of AI on pensions administration including how AI is enhancing efficiency, affecting resource constraints and boosting member engagement.

Virtual Fireside Chat with PASA

On Tuesday 17th September we joined for our first virtual gathering of Admin Connect members. Isio’s Samantha Coombes hosted an engaging open discussion with Kim Gubler, Chair of PASA delving into the latest industry updates and emerging issues within pensions administration, focusing on Value for Money (VFM) and the impact of digitalisation.

Kim provided insights on how PASA is supporting administrators to achieve optimal outcomes for their members in this rapidly evolving landscape and after a breakout session between member we engaged in insightful discussion.

June re-launch event

Back in June we officially re-launched our in-house administrator network as ‘Admin Connect’ through a successful in-person event in London.

You can read our event summary below.

Read our event recap

Get in touch

If you would like to discuss the Admin Connect Network, reach out to Samantha Coombes.

Image Samantha Coombes

Director See full profile

Get in touch

Talk to us today to see how our bolder thinking can get you better results.