Facilitating investment in illiquid assets
Isio response to consultation on proposals to improve the accessibility of illiquid assets for defined contribution pension schemes
Isio response to consultation on proposals to improve the accessibility of illiquid assets for defined contribution pension schemes
We are very supportive of using illiquid assets in defined contribution (DC) scheme strategies, and investment from large schemes and master trusts will be crucial to overcoming the challenges currently faced by the industry. The latest disclose and explain proposal is a good example of looking outside of just the charge cap, but we are wary of the ever-growing governance burden which trustees face.
This consultation follows on from the government’s ‘Enabling Investment in Productive Finance’ (charge cap reform) consultation. Read Isio’s response to that consultation.
Isio in the News
Read further insight from Isio in the latest Professional Pensions article: Fear illiquids rules will up trustee governance burden (professionalpensions.com)
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