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Guiding you through your transition to insurance

When it comes to what makes the best insurance-ready portfolio, there’s no single right answer. But locking in a strong position, having insurance-friendly assets and avoiding unnecessary transaction costs are all beneficial.

Why Isio

Over £400bn of assets in DB schemes advised

300 investment advisory appointments

Benefit from 150 advisory specialists

Building insurance-ready portfolios

Understanding what insurers want can be a complicated process. There is no one-size-fits-all investment portfolio. And getting the credit spread exposure in line with the average insurer also raises extra challenges.

We help clients understand their current situation and objectives with a combination of expertise and innovative proprietary tech, pinpointing the solution that fits best with their unique circumstances.

Thought and compromise is paramount. We help you understand what you have, what you expect to do and find the solution that fits best with what you need.

Action at just the right moment

We approach a buy in as we would any other asset within your strategy. One that needs extreme care – due to the irreversible nature of the contract. Timing, in particular, is crucial. The transaction needs to be right, not just in terms of what you’re buying, but what you’re selling too.

Our proprietary insurance platform, Opportune, pinpoints the right time for your buy in. With this technology, deals can sit in the market until the optimum conditions are met. Only with this flexibility can buy ins be truly considered an investment decision, rather than a roll of the dice.

How we help our clients

To transition from long-term investor to insurance-ready, there are five key areas we target for our clients:

  • Designing the investment strategy in the holding period before a transaction
  • Creating a robust LDI hedging strategy
  • Support in dealing with less liquid assets
  • Guidance on how to present asset information to insurers
  • Successfully transitioning assets to the insurer

Through each stage, we help our clients maximise value, guiding you through a proven, industry-leading process.

Key people

Image Barry Jones

Chief Investment Officer See full profile
Image Ed Wilson

Partner & Head of DB Consolidation See full profile

Get in touch

Take a new and improved approach to insurance. Get in touch with one of our experienced team today.