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Introduction, our
structure and business


This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and
the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Transparency in Supply Chains) Regulations 2015.

Our structure

As at 30 September 2022, Isio Group Ltd and Premier Benefit Solutions Ltd (together “Isio”) employed over 800 employees across nine regional offices, specialising in actuarial consulting, pensions administration, investment advisory, employee benefits and wealth management. Isio is governed by a board. The board is responsible for ensuring there is a satisfactory framework for managing cultural, ethical, risk and reputational matters affecting our services, our people, our clients and our suppliers. This statement has been reviewed by the risk committee before being presented to the board for approval.

More information on our leadership, locations and services can be found on our website

On 11 January 2023, Isio signed an agreement to acquire Deloitte Total Reward and Benefits Limited. This business will be included in future statements once the acquisition is complete – expected to be before summer 2023.

Our business

As a professional services firm, Isio does not operate in an industry where Modern Slavery is commonplace. Nevertheless, we have a commitment to the elimination of slavery and human trafficking.
We expect all our people to treat each other, and those we deal with, respectfully. We do not tolerate physical violence, disrespectful behaviour, bullying or harassment. This is set out in our code of conduct and personal ethics guide. We are delighted to have become an accredited Real Living Wage employer in March
2023. We actively encourage people to raise ethical or legal concerns (via our whistleblowing policy), including about human rights, and have a zero-tolerance policy for retaliation against anyone who reports any concerns. We have processes in place to help prevent modern slavery from occurring in our business including modern slavery in our supply chain

Engaging with our key

The relationship between Isio and our suppliers is a critical component of our
support for human rights. Many of our suppliers are mature and established
organisations who accordingly take a thoughtful and risk-based approach to
modern slavery. Isio continues to take a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and
human trafficking in its supply chain and business

Any new Isio suppliers continue to be required to confirm compliance with ‘slavery
and human trafficking legislation’ as part of our supplier due diligence process and
we continue to provide training to the business around the importance of
conducting appropriate due diligence. A prospective supplier of goods and/or
services to Isio that fails to confirm during a procurement process that it is
compliant with all ‘slavery and human trafficking legislation’ will, without satisfactory
explanation, be disqualified from further participation in that process.

Whilst we have checked that our key suppliers (including those inherited from our
purchase of Premier Pensions) comply with the legislation, we have an ongoing
programme of work to carry out our due diligence with the remainder of those
inherited through the acquisition.

If Isio suspects or becomes aware that an existing supplier is in breach of slavery
and human trafficking legislation, Isio will investigate and (if appropriate) report the
matter to the relevant authorities. Furthermore, Isio will review its relationship with
the supplier in question which may result in termination of that supplier contract.

Policies and board

Our policies

Our policies reflect our commitment to tackling modern slavery in both our business
and supply chain. Our anti-slavery & human trafficking procedures apply to our
employees and third-party consultants.

Our supplier process requires that our key suppliers complete our Request for
Information which includes details of the supplier’s modern slavery

During the year, we did not receive any reports of breaches internally or in relation
to our suppliers. We continue to review our policies in this area.

Board approval

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The board approved this statement on 31 March 2023.

Andrew Coles
Chief Executive

March 2023

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