James Keclik
Partner & Reading Office Head
Isio Reading
I’m James and I’ve been working in the pensions industry for 20 years. My day-to-day job is supporting sponsors manage the costs and risks associated with their pension schemes. In addition, I head up the Reading Office which has a team of around 80 people with a broadly 50:50 mix of pension administrators and consultants.
I joined Isio (when it was still part of KPMG) in 2009 as I wanted to work for a business where commerciality and strategy were at the forefront of advice, and where we could support clients irrespective of their problem. Following the transition to Isio it is great to see this DNA remain and now with the added benefit of investment in key areas (and all from the freedom of audit conflict).
I took over the role of Office Head in 2022 and I am really proud of the collaborative and inclusive culture we have in the team. We have a fantastic team in Reading who support a wide variety of clients irrespective of their sector or challenge.
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