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The benefits of our approach

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Proven expertise, advising 10 of the 25 largest change exercises in the UK

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Harnessing learnings from over 250 change exercises

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Experience designing and implementing communications programmes engaging 1m+ people

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Supporting change across all sectors, both public and private

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Ability to drive constructive discussions on change with all UK trade unions

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Extensive implementation knowledge covering DB and DC pensions

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Hands-on, having delivered 2,000+ group seminars and 50,000 individual consultations

Navigate the way forward

While change is inevitable, managing it effectively can be a mammoth task. Especially when you’re taking your employees and trade unions with you on your journey.

We have deep experience helping employers design and plan change. As a company, we have pioneered using change management techniques within this space – whether that’s on pension benefits changes, salary sacrifice implementation, scheme mergers, or changes to broader reward.

Our commitment is to support organisations and their employees all the way through the change curve. Once we understand your needs, we develop comprehensive communications and effective engagement programmes that ease your transition.

How we can help

Our experience helps employers through each stage of planning and implementing change.

  • Benefit design. Gain clarity on drivers and objectives and develop a business case.
  • Stakeholder management. Understand and manage what each stakeholder wants and needs.
  • Industrial relations. Work constructively with trade unions to meet their needs.
  • Communications strategy. Harness employee engagement and communications strategies with real substance, informed by 25 years experience.
  • Project management. Get the project executed efficiently with experienced Prince2 project management.

In-depth insight

Our hands-on knowledge has made us leaders in this space for over 15 years. Scott Kendrick, who heads up the team, has advised on over 40 change projects, including for some of the UK’s largest employers and organisations.

Sponsors in both the public and private sector have benefited from our advice on a wide range of changes including:

    • DB and hybrid pension scheme reforms. We have helped deliver pensions and contractual changes

    • DC scheme reforms, including introducing ‘parallel’ DC options to existing DB scheme arrangements

    • Changes to reward and benefits arrangements

Clients can feel confident that we’ll get change over the line. And when it comes to bringing their staff with them on the journey, over 120 of our UK-wide consultants are experienced in delivering communications through briefings, seminars, webinars, pensions surgeries, guidance and financial wellbeing sessions.

Key people

Image Scott Kendrick

Director & Head of Benefit Design and Change See full profile

Get in touch

To make sure your change has a lasting and positive impact, get in touch today.